Wednesday, 8 January 2014

"12 years a Slave"

Few days ago we watched a video about slavery , it outlined its evolution throughout history ,stressing its development and length in the USA(Southern ) mostly because of economical reasons , a complex and difficult issue, that as Mandela said in the book we are currently reading, "No one is born prejudiced or racist( ..) Evil is something instilled in or taught to men by circumstances , their environment, or their upbringing (...)

All this has brought to my mind the movie " 12 years a Slave" based on the book of the same name written by Northup. The movie seems to be  one of the favourite for the Oscars and it is called to received a few  awards , according to the critics it has already swept  the Oscars. The movie is directed by Steve McQueen and starring Chiwetelu Ejiofor , as Salomon , the slave, and Brad Pitt.

Salomon Northup was a free- born African American, from New York , we was enticed with a job offer , kidnapped dragged and sold  into slavery . He worked for different owners in Louisiana and when after 12 years he regained his freedom he sued the slave traders and became active in  abolitionism . The story, the same as the book,  dwells on the brutality  harsh and inhumane treatment endured by the slaves.

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